JYA Home

This set of pages contains all the light and optics work that we will cover between now and the end of term.

Printing is a bit of a pain (see below) if you'd rather you can just download a zip file with all the pages in and use the Windows XP printing wizard or another program to print them all out. ZIP FILE

There are 10 Pages of Light and Optics notes here.
They are all all based on a slightly scaled down JPG image.
You can use the table below or just go to the first page and work your way through them

Each page is about 150kb which means that they will take a while to load unless you are on broadband.
I will provide you with paper copies if you want, just ask.


Webpage Link
Reflection, curved mirrors and why mirrors aren't perfect.
Refraction and Snell's law
More refraction, total internal reflection and the critical angle
Total internal reflection and applications
Lenses; Convex and concave. The convex lens equation
The Refracting Telescope
The reflecting telescope
Long and short sight and how to correct it
Refraction gets a bit more complicated- Dispersion and Rainbows
Aberration; Spherical and chromatic
