Term 3 Home

Radioactivity and other stuff

Representing the Atom

The Atomic Mass Unit (u)
Avagadros number

Einstein's Mass - Energy Equation
The Electron-Volt
Binding Energy and Mass Defect
Fission and Fusion

Some History


Some Definitions:

Proton A positively charged particle found in the nucleus of an atom.
The proton has a mass of approximately 1.7 x 10
-27 Kg and a charge of +1.6 x 10 -19 C

Neutron A neutrally charged particle found in the nucleus of an atom.
The Neutron has a mass of approximately 1.7 x 10
-27 Kg

Nuclide the nucleus of an atom of particular specification

Nucleon a proton or a neutron

Isotopes two atoms of the same element having the same number of protons but different number of neutrons

Electron A small negatively charged particle not found in the nucleus. May be thought of as orbiting the nucleus.
The Electron has a mass of approximately 9.1 x 10
-31 1 Kg and a charge of -1.6x10 -19 C.

Ionisation Occurs when electrons are removed from the outer orbitals of atoms leaving the a positively charged atom called an ION.


Representing the atom

Bloody dreamweaver, you'd had thought in this day and age that they would know about chemistry. No not these guys!

A: Mass or nucleon number [p +n]
X: Chemical symbol for atom
Z: Atomic or Proton Number [p {and e for a neutral atom}]

The Atomic Mass Unit (u)
the mass of 1/12th of a carbon-12 atom. [1.66 x 10
-27 Kg]

Avagadros number
the number of atoms in 12g of carbon-12. [6.02 x 10
23 ]
{and no he didn't count them by hand!}


Einstein's Mass - Energy Equation.
Einstein was a clever guy who realised that mass and energy were in some strange way two forms of the same thing. This means that mass can convert to energy and energy can convert to mass. This is a pretty useful and important equation as well as being very famous.

E = mc

E = Energy in Joules
[this is important as eV are sometimes used as a unit of energy and so things can get confused]
m = mass in kilograms
[this is important as u are sometimes used as a unit of mas and so things can get confused]
c = is the speed of light

Because the value of c is so large [ 3 x 10 8 ms -1 ] even a small amount of energy can be converted into a great deal of energy.

!!If a small infant has a mass of 20kg = how much pure energy is there!!
!!20 x [3 x 10
8 ]2 = 1.8 x 10 18 Joules!!


The Electron-Volt
In most of the contexts that we deal with in this sction the joule is a ridiculously large unit. As such the electron-volt (eV) is used as an alternaticve energy unit

This is defined as the amount of work [energy] needed to accelerate an electron through a p.d. of 1V


Binding Energy and Mass Defect
If you take the constituent parts of an atom [p, n] and weigh them and them weigh the atom in its combined state you discover that the combined mass is less. Some of the mass of the constituent parts has been converted into the energy that holds the atom together. This energy is called the binding energy for reasons that I really hope are obvious.

When an atom disintegrates in any way then some of this energy is released. This principle is essentially the basis of what is happening in radioactive decay. An atom may split up, fine, but an alpha particle speeds of at 10% the speed of light - where does it get that energy?

Here and in many cases we ignore the mass of the electrons. In any question you come across assume that this is the case [but state it as an assumption if prompted].


Fission and Fusion
Stick small atoms together and get energy: Fusion
Break big atoms up and get energy: Fission

Well, it is a bit more complicated than that but the principle holds true. Of the two fusion is the more efficient and this is why a great deal of time, money and effort is expended in trying to harness it as a viable energy source.
