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Nice German Chap : The ones we have looked at with moving cars, vector resolution, etc.

Explore Science : Go to the mechanics section, the monkey wasn't working last time but maybe it's fixed.
[If bored you can also make pretty snowflakes somewhere here, you know with Christmas coming and stuff!]

Fear of Physics : Some good motion stuff and the possibility of some kind of a sense of humour [rare in physics].

Physics 2000: Not quite sure, haven't had a look around, groovy x-ray thing but also might have some good waves stuff.

Physics for Beginners: OK, not many pretty pictures but a good set of definitions and explanations.
[Chapters 1-5 are the most relevant, you don't need to go further than that]

How do bullets fly: An extension of the motion stuff but some good physics here and some interesting high speed photographs.

Visual Aided Physics: I reckon that there is some good stuff here but it does funny things to my screen so I gave up. Maybe you will have better luck.

Powers of 10 : Not in the syllabus I just like it to give an idea of the scale of the universe.

Science Entertainment: I'm about to give up here but if you are really bored, there are some science songs as MP3 download. I am far to frightened as to how bad they will be but if you get completely bored it's an option and lets not even mention the karaoke page!