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You should have notes on and/or understand the following ideas, concepts or terms.
I have scanned some text book pages/notes in for you but you should have the notes from the lessons.
If all else fails you could even resort to using a book, not very hi-tech but I hear they are sometimes useful

Notes Page 1 [Liquid and gas pressure]
Notes Page 2 [Upthrust and floating]
Notes Page 3 [Fluid flow and viscosity]
Notes Page 4 [Laminar and turbulent flow, continuity and Bernoulli]

Interactive animations: Hydrostatic pressure and Bouyancy

More comprehensive notes on Continuity Equation and Bernoulli's equation [WORD download]

Battleships and bathtubs [WORD download question and solution]
Ice Cubes [WORD download question and solution]

Pressure = Force / Area
Liquid Pressure = ρ g h
How this is calculated from a column of liquid (area A height h)
Gauge Pressure and absolute pressure; P = P 0 +ρ g h
Independence of shape on pressure
Hydraulic systems F 1 A 1 =F 2 A 2
Flow of liquid through a pipe - the conservation of mass
Equation of continuity - A 1 v 1 =A 2 v 2
Development of this idea combining conservation of energy to get Bernoulli equation
P 1 + ½ ρ v 1 2 + ρ g h 1 = P 2 + ½ ρ v 2 2 + ρ g h 2 (incompressible fluid)
The venturi meter used to measure pressure difference and hence speed of a flowing liquid.

An understanding of the following terms and quantities

  • Viscosity
  • Cohesion
  • Adhesion
  • Laminar Flow
  • Turbulent Flow
  • Reynolds Number (and why 2500 is an important number)
How aeroplanes fly and assorted nonsense including how to throw a curveball.
Why plumbing systems have a vent pipe (foul pipe)
Whether of not you can float a battleship in a bath and why
All about melting ice cubes that have nails in them