Term 3 Home

Quantum Behavior

The Quantum Universe (This page)
The Photoelectric Effect
Other evidence that photons exchange energy in packets/quanta (E = hf)


A set of notes in Word format containing all the content from the four webpages (above) on quantum behaviour is available here

Below is a list of the key ideas involved in the study of quantum physics.

Electromagnetic radiation consists of small packets of energy
These packets of energy are called photons
The energy that the photon has depends upon the frequency of the radiation
If the frequency increases so does the energy
The amount of energy is expressed by this equation E = hf.
(E= energy, h = Plank's constant [6.626 x 10-34], f = frequency)
This means that ultraviolet photons have more energy than infrared photons
If the beam of radiation is increased, the number of photons emitted will increase but the amount of energy that each photon has will not change
