Term 3 Home

Quantum Behavior

The Quantum Universe
The Photoelectric Effect
Other evidence that photons exchange energy in packets/quanta (E = hf)
(This page)

A set of notes in Word format containing all the content from the four webpages (above) on quantum behaviour is available here

Other evidence that photons exchange energy in packets/quanta (E = hf)


The electrons within an atom can only have a certain number of different possible energies, These can be shown in an energy level diagram
The electron usually sits at the lowest level
It needs a precise amount of energy to rise up to any of the higher levels
When it moves back down from the higher energy level to the original level then the same precise amount of energy is released
This energy is released as a photon of frequency f
The relationship between the energy of the photon and its frequency is expressed by ΔE=hf where h is Plank's constant
The energy levels are irregularly spaced and so photons of different energies are released
If you have a gas discharge tube, the electrons inside it are constantly being excited up to higher energy levels as well as moving back down, releasing photons of specific energies
If you view the light emitted from a gas discharge tube through a diffraction grating then you will observe a line spectra
Each of these different coloured lines relates to a specific change in energy levels and thus a specific frequency of photon
Because different elements have different (and unique) sets of energy levels then they have unique spectra


Hydrogen Krypton

